Our mission

Core Values

The Sheperdgroup23 Ministries Unlimited Inc. values are to build a strong relationship with people, private entities, non-profit organizations, philanthropies, and the faith-based community, making sure their necessary needs are met and superseded. We aim to develop our organization along the path of high values and ethics, which includes:

  • Integrity: We are an independent, profit–for-purpose organization working to the highest ethical standards.
  • Diversity: We will promote equality and fair treatment for all and treat people with decency and respect
  • Openness: We will be open about our work and share information with all our stakeholders.
  • Accountability: We will be accountable to the communities we work with and empower customers to meaningfully influence our priorities.
  • Clarity: We will be consistently clear about our vision, values, and strategy.
  • Excellence: We will aspire to be the best among our peers, particularly in the quality of customer services and standards of performance.
  • Commitment: We develop and maintain long-term relationships with our stakeholders.

Keys to Success

To achieve its vision, The Sheperdgroup23 Ministries Unlimited Inc. will carry out the following strategies:

  • Invest in Home: Pursue development and capital expansion models that allow us to build, acquire and preserve more affordable housing by acquiring, constructing, and preserving more than 1,000 homes over the next five years.
  • Invest in Our People: Recruiting, train, promote and retain volunteers and talented employees who aspire to succeed both personally and professionally.
  • Invest in Our Foundation: Strengthen the underlying infrastructure that has allowed us to scale our development, operating and services platforms by expanding our administrative, asset management and accounting infrastructure.
  • Implement policy improvements which will provide as many practical, effective housing solutions as possible, and reduce impediments and approval timeframes to encourage more attainable housing.
  • Engage all sectors of the economy to provide the widest range of attainable housing possible. This means partnering with various levels of government, community-based organizations, financial institutions, and the private sector to take action to address affordable housing needs.
  • Participate in research and monitoring functions to provide current and relevant information on housing conditions and trends.