
Sheperdgroup23 Ministries Unlimited Inc Organizational History

The Sheperdgroup23 Ministries Unlimited Inc Unlimited Inc. is a social housing and care provider based in Atlanta, Georgia. The organization was birthed out of a desire of the founder, DeWarren Epps, to help his fellow veterans. DeWarren has seen so many veterans sleeping on the streets without food or shelter. As he is a veteran as well, he wants to make life better for fellow homeless veterans by offering shelter and programs to transition them from homeless to homeowner.

Not only that, many are battered spouses with children, they have jobs and other obligations which disables them from being able to locate a bed at a certain time of day. We want to bride this gap to assist those in need and the ones that need a second chance, felony charges limit where a person can live. Our founder currently works with HUD, and he sees the need more than the ordinary individual because he the people in need out there in the streets every day.