Atlanta Gas Light technician shares how a 4-month training program changed his life

ATLANTA — At 21, one young man has already built a solid career with Atlanta Gas Light as a field technician, and now he wants others to know about their certificate program.

“I am one of the techs who comes out to make sure there are no leaks,” Da’Roderick Jones said.

It’s a job that requires problem-solving, attention to detail, and strong customer service skills. Jones is one year into his role and has already earned one promotion, with his sights set on another. His journey to this career started with a four-month training program that helped him gain the skills he needed to enter the workforce.

Jones found his way into the field through a Natural Gas Technician Certificate program at Atlanta Technical College, a partnership with Atlanta Gas Light that prepares workers for high-demand jobs in the industry.

At first, he wasn’t sure if it was the right fit.

“I tried it out, I was kind of iffy about it, but I tried it out and I loved it,” he said.

After finishing the program, he had a direct path to a job.

“Once they are certified through that program, they are guaranteed a minimum of a job interview,” Dennis McGouirk, regional director for Atlanta Gas Light said.

Many of those interviews turn into full-time careers.

“It’s great when someone can come in and, in six months or a year, can transform their lives and then make $50,000-$60,000 a year,” said Robert Leach, vice president of communications at Atlanta Technical College adding later, “We talk about getting a 401(k) and a pension. That is something people in our community don’t know about.”