Do not use this form if you are seeking emergency assistance.
If you are in immediate danger or are in need of emergency assistance, call 911.
Abusers who have basic computer knowledge may be able to track the Web sites that you visit and the documents that you open on the computer. You can erase your internet history so that nobody who uses your computer can see what Web pages you visit.
Warning! Even if you follow the directions below your abuser may still be able to see what web sites you have been visiting or what emails you have been sending.
The safest way to keep the abuser from tracking your online activities is to use a computer that he or she does not have access to. This could be at a public library, a friend’s house, or at work. If you are sending an e-mail message asking for help, make sure you use an email account with a password that the abuser does not know.
If you must use a computer your abuser can access, you can attempt to cover your tracks by doing the following:
Through wise stewardship and a caring staff, we are a community organization committed to serving and empowering people in need.
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Corporate Office
Sheperdgroup23 Ministries Unlimited Inc
1055 Howell Mill Road
Atlanta, GA 30318
Housing Location
Sheperdgroup23 Ministries Unlimited Inc
6244 Old Kingston Dr Suite A,
Atlanta, GA 30331